Emily Hampshire
Emily Hampshire is an Associate at Omnia Strategy, focusing on international arbitration, public international law and human rights. She has experience advising Government clients in pre-dispute strategic negotiations, as well as representing clients in international arbitration proceedings.
Emily has acted for both claimants and respondents in a variety of matters, including arbitral proceedings conducted under a variety of arbitration rules, often focused on the energy sector. She has also engaged: with United Nations mechanisms; in human rights investigations; in litigation before the courts of England & Wales; and in corporate human rights and sustainability advisory services.
Before joining Omnia, Emily was a Bonavero Fellow at Reprieve UK, which challenges human rights abuses in the UK and around the world.
Emily is a qualified solicitor admitted to the roll in England & Wales. She obtained her BA in Jurisprudence with Law Studies in Europe from the University of Oxford. Her Erasmus year was spent at Leiden University in the Netherlands, focusing on subjects related to international and European law.