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Omnia Strategy represented in New York for UNGA and Climate Week.

Omnia’s Cherie Blair CBE, KC, Julia Hulme and Adam Smith-Anthony were in New York last week for meetings in connection with United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week and Climate Week. The team met with clients and partners, saw friends and forged new alliances, including through participation in critical discussions at the United Nations, Concordia Annual Summit, Clinton Global Initiative, Goals House, the World Benchmarking Alliance, the B Team and bilateral meetings.

Omnia’s top priorities were:

  • Championing government, corporate and civil society collaboration to tackle climate change and environmental degradation through leadership, partnerships and action,
  • Stimulating a just transition, accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and guiding businesses in respecting human rights with accountability, and
  • Meeting old and new clients as we help them to achieve their strategic goals, manage risks, and prevent and resolve disputes for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The hard work continues right across the Omnia team.