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Omnia advises Albania in landmark climate change proceedings before the International Court of Justice.

Omnia Strategy is acting pro bono for longstanding client, the Government of Albania, in ground-breaking advisory proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on States’ obligations in respect of climate change.

Omnia assisted in the preparation of Albania’s written statement submitted to the ICJ on behalf of the Government at the direction of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in coordination with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment. The submission was delivered to the ICJ Registrar on 21 March 2024 by Albania’s Ambassador to The Netherlands in The Hague, His Excellency Artur Kuko.

Albania’s statement draws attention to the disproportionate burden placed on developing countries in confronting the climate emergency, despite their minimal contribution to its causes. Albania’s statement urges developed countries to recognise and to be held to their distinct responsibility, and to support transformative actions, highlighting challenges in funding and access to technology. It further highlights the imperative to align international investment agreements and investor-State dispute settlement with global climate goals.

Albania’s international legal team was led by Omnia’s Cherie Blair CBE, KC, and includes Adam Smith Anthony, Ben Wheadon, James Palmer, Jessica Sblendorio, Lauren Lederle and Roberto Lupini, working alongside distinguished public international law specialists Sir Daniel Bethlehem KCMG KC of Twenty Essex and Lucas Bastin KC of Essex Court Chambers and leading human rights expert Professor Gentian Zyberi of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (University of Oslo).

Our full downloadable statement is available here: